Ā Embracing the Path of

Love, God & Miracles

Experience Heaven Within


Mia is a gifted teacher, psychic, clear channel, oracle but beyond all the names Mia is truly devoted to Living a Life in Devotion to God/Love/Oneness/Spirit and helping women around the world in Remembering The True Inheritance of Our Eternal, Boundless Spirit that We All Are As One. Mia shares The Teachings of Pure Non Dualism through A Course In Miracles and also certifies women into learning How to Access the Akashic Light to Remember the Presence of Peace, Love, Harmony and Truth that is within usā€¦

Just waiting for you to RememberĀ 



Ā Liberate Yourself From Pain & Suffering

To Live A Life Of True Peace, Abundance, Joy and Remembrance




Mia is here to help you Awaken the Miracle Within


Living a Life in Devotion to SpiritĀ 


Ā Awakening the Miracle Within



Mia Millonzi is Heaven's Oracle, Teacher of Miracles, led by God on a mission


a Crystal Clear Akashic Channel and Teacher.

She is here on a Mission to help the Awakening of Our True Identity andĀ anchor inĀ God's Eternal Unconditional Love to the world. Mia is here to help women live a Life in Devotion to Spirit, Become Clear Channels for Spirit to lead every step of the way and to able to be clearly guided by having the clarity, strength and courage to listen to the Inner Guidance that is always there by Spirit/Love/Source/God. And from this place of Union we can Access the Akashic Light, Eternal Universal Wisdom and Clarity from Within.

Mia also studies and teaches Pure Non-Dualism through A Course in Miracles from answering the Call of Spirit to Choose to Live a Life in Full Devotion to Spirit and by answering that call it profoundly changed her Life andĀ helped her Awaken to Hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit and Be ln Union with True Source and that began her True awakening journey and True Service to the world.

Mia offers 1:1 mentorships, 1:1 sessions, Akashic Angel Academy, Advanced Akashic Practioner certification and A Course in Miracles Pure Non-Dualism study. Mia has been giving intuitive readings, Akashic healings and oracle sessions for the last 9 years. Mia started teaching and sharing Akashic Angel Academy in 2022 from a Vision she received from Spirit to create a Safe Haven for Earth Angels to Awaken to the Miracle Within,Ā  and be able to be clear channels for Heaven to shine through~ messengers of Eternal Wisdom, Truth and Union with Spirit by using tools of Accessing The Akashic Records, A Course in Miracles, Prayer, Sisterhood and Daily Devotion to True Source/God/Love.

Mia is a way-shower toĀ guideĀ other women fully to embody the Eternal Light Within that can never go out and from this KnowingĀ having a strong clear intuition and being able to hear the Voice of Spirit and Know True Love, Forgiveness and Oneness as it is Known in Spirit and Perfect Love.

Mia has been a gifted channel her whole life and started professionally giving readings at age 23. She is devoted to Anchoring in Heaven and being a Clear Channel for Spirit to work through and Create Miracles.



Live a Life of Joy, Happiness, Abundance and being guided by the Spirit in every moment.


Mia is here to help you Remember the Truth of your Eternal Divine Spirit, Awaken your Intuition and be a Clear Channel for the Divine.Ā Mia is here to help you find Faith, Trust and Heaven within YOU.Ā 

Ā Ā Ā 

Awaken Heaven Within



Akashic Angel Academy is a Pathway into Awakening the Miracle Within (the Inner Guidance Within) and becoming a Clear Channel for Spirit using tools like accessing the Akashic Records and studying A Course In Miracles which Awakens the Voice of the Spirit Within that bridges Wholeness, Peace, Unity and Love.


The Guidance of the Spirit and Union with God (beyond religion, labels and duality)Ā is what we are all seeking for without knowing or where to look due to programming and ego separation.


The foundation of Akashic Angel Academy is Pure Non-Dualism which creates a Safe Haven for Earth Angels to Remember our Unity and Oneness with All. We hold Pure Intention to Know Love as It is Known in Spirit, Complete Whole and Eternal.


Empowering women to unlock their True InheritanceĀ and being guided by their Intuition and using tools like the Akashic Records and A Course in Miracles to peel back the layers of the filter of the ego mind that blocks the light of Love. Through personalized coaching, online courses, and community support, we provide women with the tools, resources, and guidance they need to overcome obstacles, cultivate confidence, and create positive change in their lives. We aim to expand our reach and impact, empowering even more women to pursue a life of freedom, joy and Heaven Within.


Activate your Intuitive Abilities and remove the blocks and barriersĀ  keeping you fromĀ your True Inheritance




If you are.....


~ Tired of looking outside of yourself for answers, love, peace and healingĀ 

~Searching for Truth and never feeling fully satisfied with what modern day society has told you/programmed into us to believe since the time we come into this experience

~ Feel pain, disconnection, suffering, and are full of limiting beliefs and doubts that hold you back from Living in Alignment with Spirit

~ You are ready to stop being in the same cycles/drama/unworthinessā€¦but regardless of what you try to change your state and change your life, nothing creates the lasting joy, peace and happiness that you know is possible

~ You know you are intuitive and would like to strengthen this gift even more to be of ServiceĀ 

~ Searching for the Truth about Pure Non~dualism, God, Love and Heaven

~ Ready to become a clear channel and let go of limiting beliefs and ego limitations

~ Ready to live in Full Alignment with the inner guidance of the Spirit

~ Feel the call to learn more about cultivating your own unique channel and accessing the Akashic Light/Clearing Hearing the Voice of Spirit

Most people get stuck and stay stuck, attempting to rationalize and think their way through things with logicā€¦

when the answer is through the guidance of Intuition, Spirit, andĀ Trusting your own channel to guide you perfectly through your Life

Access the Akashic Angel Academy now and become a Akashic Record Channel/Practioner and study Pure~Non Dualism through A Course In Miracles about theĀ  hidden Truth that is now beingĀ shared as those that Seek the Truth will Find.



The Truth Will Set You Free!



What Beautiful Souls Are Saying


Are you ready to Awaken to The Voice for Love Within?

Become A Clear Channel

Live a Life guided by your Intuition and Connection to Spirit

Remember your True Power, Purpose and Divine Wisdom InsideĀ 

End Pain and SufferingĀ 

Ā Awaken in Truth and Liberation of Knowing Thyself

Hearing the Voice of Spirit Guiding in every Moment

You are A Clear Channel

Connect With Guidance of SpiritĀ 

Experience The Miracle of a Lifetime in 3 Simple Steps

STEP 1: Join The Akashic Angel Academy Waitlist

Receive Exclusive Content, Limited Time Bonus Material, 1:1 guidance from Mia, Prayer, Sisterhood and Discounts by joining the Waitlist for the Akashic Angel Academy

STEP 2: Develop A Deep Connection & Union with Spirit

Learn to Trust in God/Souce/Holy Spirit to guide and Remember who you are as Divine True Spirit.

STEP 3: Let Your Intuition Transform Your Experience of Life

Cultivate your own clear channel with Spirit by using tools like the Akashic Records, A Course in Miracles, Prayer, Forgiveness and being of Service and offering Intuitive sessions.
You will begin to Unify with SourceĀ and feel a true connection to the Greater Power that is available to us when We Remember, Awaken, Heal and Forgive.

Akashic Angel Prayer Book

Miracle prayers that have been channeled through Mia by the Holy Spirit, each prayer hasĀ the intention to hold the Truth and Peace of The Divine to help you heal, receive, expand, remember, and let go into the Higher Wisdom of the Divine.



to the Miracle WithinĀ 

& Become a Clear Channel

Experience The Miracles of Spirit and Allow your Life to be a Living embodiment of the Love that is Within you